

Brückner, A., Wölke, M., Hein-Pensel, F., Schero, E., Winkler, H., & Jabs, I. (2025). Assessing industry 5.0 readiness—Prototype of a holistic digital index to evaluate sustainability, resilience and human-centered factors. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights, 5(1), 100329.

Kutzera, J.Witte, L.Schunder, T.(2025).Python-Programmierung und Algorithmen mit Jupyter Notebooks: Ein Praxisbeispiel aus dem Informatikunterricht. Informatische Bildung in Schulen 3(1).


Gersbach, R. (2024). A Learning Path For Data Ethics: Orientation And Structure For Self-Directed Learning, ICERI2024 Proceedings, pp. 7734-7740.

Richter, Michael; Kirschenbaum, Amit (2024): Our recommendation: Surprisal. A recommender system with information theory for e-learning. Proceedings of DELFI Workshops 2024. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.

Friedrich, J., Römer, V., Zinke-Wehlmann, C. (2024). Participation as Fuel for Transformation – An Approach to the Interrelations Between Digitalization, Participation and Values in NPOs. In: Camarinha-Matos, L.M., Ortiz, A., Boucher, X., Barthe-Delanoë, AM. (eds) Navigating Unpredictability: Collaborative Networks in Non-linear Worlds. PRO-VE 2024. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 726. Springer, Cham.

Friedrich, J., Brückner, A., Mayan, J. et al. (2024). Human-centered AI development in practice—insights from a multidisciplinary approach. Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft.

Walter, C., Brückner, A., Schumann, S. (2024). AI-Supported Shift Scheduling Prototype of a Human-Centered Approach. In: Thürer, M., Riedel, R., von Cieminski, G., Romero, D. (eds) Advances in Production Management Systems. Production Management Systems for Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous Environments. APMS 2024. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 730. Springer, Cham.

Barth, R. (2024). Stealth Gamification in der Selbstgesteuerten non-formalen Erwachsenenbildung: Argumente für Ein Verdecktes Vorgehen Im Sinne Einer altersadäquaten Implementation. In: MedienPädagogik: Zeitschrift für Theorie Und Praxis Der Medienbildung 58 (JFMH2023):117-32.

Lehmann, S., Schließer, J., Schumann, S., Winkler, H., Jabs, I. (2024). Knowledge Management in SMEs: Applying Link Prediction for Assisted Decision Making. In: Villmann, T., Kaden, M., Geweniger, T., Schleif, FM. (eds) Advances in Self-Organizing Maps, Learning Vector Quantization, Interpretable Machine Learning, and Beyond. WSOM+ 2024. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 1087. Springer, Cham.

Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Friedrich, J. (eds.) First Working Conference on Artificial Intelligence Development for a Resilient and Sustainable Tomorrow. AI Tomorrow 2023. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden; Imprint Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden (2024).

Richter D, Bernhard-Skala C, Kinkel S (Hrsg.) Glossar Künstliche Intelligenz für die interdisziplinär vernetzte Arbeitsforschung. Bonn und Karlsruhe. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10779298  Downloadlink

Frey, J., Akrami, A., Zinke-Wehlmann, C. (2024). The state of the additive manufacturing ontology landscape for enabling rapid response in times of crisis, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 232, 2024, pp. 2426-2430.

Schero, E., Wölke, M., Brückner, A. (2024). Entwicklung eines Self-Assessment-Tools zur Bestimmung des digitalen Index – Aspekte einer nachhaltigen, menschzentrierten und resilienten Transformation. In: Arbeitswissenschaft in-the-loop : Mensch-Technologie-Integration und ihre Auswirkung auf Mensch, Arbeit und Arbeitsgestaltung ; 70. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e.V., Stuttgart, 6. bis 8. März 2024
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Wölke, M., Brückner, A., Rick, V. B. Müller-Eppendorfer, K., Link, J., Nitsch, V. (2024). Beiträge der Regionalen Kompetenzzentren der Arbeitsforschung zu menschenwürdiger Arbeit und Wirtschaftswachstum (SDG 8). In: Arbeitswissenschaft in-the-loop : Mensch-Technologie-Integration und ihre Auswirkung auf Mensch, Arbeit und Arbeitsgestaltung ; 70. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e.V., Stuttgart, 6. bis 8. März 2024. Seite(n)/Artikel-Nr.: I.2.3

Link, J., Hansen-Ampah, A., Wölke, M., Graf-Pfohl, C. (2024). Beiträge der Regionalen Kompetenzzentren der Arbeitsforschung zu Industrie, Innovation und Infrastruktur (SDG 9) sowie nachhaltigem Konsum und Produktion (SDG 12). In: Arbeitswissenschaft in-the-loop : Mensch-Technologie-Integration und ihre Auswirkung auf Mensch, Arbeit und Arbeitsgestaltung ; 70. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e.V., Stuttgart, 6. bis 8. März 2024. Seite(n)/Artikel-Nr.: Datei: I.2.4

Koonen, A., Rick, V., Wölke, M., Berger, S., Hansen-Ampah, A., Borowski, E., Nitsch, V., Brückner, A., Mayan, J. (2024). Beiträge der Regionalen Kompetenzzentren der Arbeitsforschung zur Bildung von Partnerschaften zur Erreichung der Nachhaltigkeitsziele (SDG 17). In: Arbeitswissenschaft in-the-loop : Mensch-Technologie-Integration und ihre Auswirkung auf Mensch, Arbeit und Arbeitsgestaltung ; 70. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e.V., Stuttgart, 6. bis 8. März 2024. Seite(n)/Artikel-Nr.: I.2.5


Torgovnik, M. and Kirschenbaum, A. (2023). Emotional Strain And education in the social field. In: Proceedings of the 2023 AIS SIGED International Conference on Information Systems Education and Research. 14.


Schlecht, C.; Friedrich, J., Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Markovic, M., Magosch, C. (2023). Design of a Collaborative Platform for Virtual Exchanges. (2023). In: Proceedings of the 2023 AIS SIGED International Conference on Information Systems Education and Research. 14.


Meyer, L.-P. & Frey, J. & Junghanns, K. & Brei, F. & Bulert, K. & Gründer-Fahrer, S. & Martin, M. (2023). Developing a Scalable Benchmark for Assessing Large Language Models in Knowledge Graph Engineering. Semantics ’23: 19th International Conference on Semantic Systems, September 20–22, 2023, Leipzig, Germany.


Kutzera, J., Wöhlert, R., Friedrich, J., Römer, V., Richter, P. (2023). Future Learning in a Collaborative “Laboratory” Environment – Requirements to Build Up Future Skills. In: Camarinha-Matos, L.M., Boucher, X., Ortiz, A. (eds) Collaborative Networks in Digitalization and Society 5.0. PRO-VE 2023. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 688. Springer, Cham.


Hilger, K., Gamböck-Strätz, J., Biedermann, C. (2023). Getting Data Literacy Education Ready for the Future. In: Camarinha-Matos, L.M., Boucher, X., Ortiz, A. (eds) Collaborative Networks in Digitalization and Society 5.0. PRO-VE 2023. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 688. Springer, Cham.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Friedrich, J., Frericks, S., Kluge, A. (2023). Simulating the Enhanced Value-Capturing by Using Digitalization in Monetary and Non-monetary Collaborative Networks. In: Camarinha-Matos, L.M., Boucher, X., Ortiz, A. (eds) Collaborative Networks in Digitalization and Society 5.0. PRO-VE 2023. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 688. Springer, Cham.


Frey, J., Akrami, A., Zinke-Wehlmann, C. (2023). The state of the additive manufacturing ontology landscpae for enabling rapid response in times of crisis. 5th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing


Brückner, A., Hein, P., Hein-Pensel, F., Mayan, J. & Wölke, M. (2023). Human-Centered HCI Practices Leading the Path to Industry 5.0: A Systematic Literature Review. In C. Stephanidis, M. Antona, S. Ntoa & G. Salvendy (eds.), HCI International 2023 Posters. HCII 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1832. Springer, Cham.


Kurtz, J., Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Lugmair, N., Schymanietz, M. & Roth, A. (2023). Characterising smart service systems – Revealing the smart value. SMR – Journal of Service Management Research, 7(2), 112–128.


Friedrich, J., Gilbert, K., Matzke, A., Mühle, C., Pietrzyk, U., Römer, V., Steputat-Rätze, A., Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Wöhlert, R. & Wolf, R. (2023). Menschengerechte und effiziente Gestaltung von Interaktionsarbeit: Entwicklung des Social-Service Engineering-Ansatzes. Technische Universität Dresden.


Hein-Pensel, F., Winkler, H., Brückner, A., Wölke, M., Jabs, I., Mayan, I. J., Kirschenbaum, A., Friedrich, J. & Zinke-Wehlmann, C. (2023). Maturity assessment for Industry 5.0: A review of existing maturity models. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 66, 200-210, ISSN 0278-6125.


Kirschenbaum, A. (2022). Unsupervised Induction of Inflectional Families. Computer Speech & Language, 73, 101324.


Römer, V., Friedrich, J., Zinke-Wehlmann, C. & Wolf, R. (2022). Value Driven Transformation of Care Work – A Use Case. In L.M. Camarinha-Matos, A. Ortiz, X. Boucher & A.L. Osório (eds.), Collaborative Networks in Digitalization and Society 5.0. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 662, 555–563. Springer, Cham.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Friedrich, J., Kirschenbaum, A., Wölke, M. & Brückner, A. (2022). Conceptualizing Sustainable Artificial Intelligence Development. In L.M. Camarinha-Matos, A. Ortiz, X. Boucher & A.L. Osório (eds.), Collaborative Networks in Digitalization and Society 5.0. PRO-VE 2022. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 662, 545–554. Springer, Cham.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Friedrich, J., Römer, V., Gilbert, K., Pietrzyk, U. & Steputat-Rätze, A. (2022). Interaction as a concept for Social Service Engineering. The Human Side of Service Engineering, 62, 405–413. AHFE International.


Palma, R., Brahma. S., Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Kirschenbaum, A., Charvát, K. & Reznik, T. (2021). Linked Data Usages in DataBio. In: Södergård, C., Mildorf, T., Habyarimana, E., Berre, A.J., Fernandes, J.A., Zinke-Wehlmann, C. (eds) Big Data in Bioeconomy (pp. 91–111). Springer, Cham.


Friedrich, J., Römer, V., Gilbert, K., Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Steputat-Rätze, A. & Pietrzyk, U. (2021). Collaborative Networks in Person-Related Services – Designing Humane and Efficient Interaction Processes in Childcare. In L.M. Camarinha-Matos, X. Boucher & H. Afsarmanesh (eds.), Smart and Sustainable Collaborative Networks 4.0. PRO-VE 2021. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 629. Springer, Cham.


Friedrich, J., Gilbert, K., Pietrzyk, U., Römer, V., Steputat-Rätze, A. & Zinke-Wehlmann, C. (2021). Perspektiven auf die Gestaltung von Interaktionsarbeit [Whitepaper]. Retrieved from


Lehmann, S., Schlecht, C. & Zinke-Wehlmann, C. (2021). A toolkit for Social Service Engineering. In A. Helferich, R. Henzel, G. Herzwurm & M. Mikusz (eds.), Software Management 2021, 39–53. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.


Järvinen, P., Siltanen, P., Kirschenbaum, A. (2021). Data Analytics and Machine Learning. In: Södergård, C., Mildorf, T., Habyarimana, E., Berre, A.J., Fernandes, J.A., Zinke-Wehlmann, C. (eds) Big Data in Bioeconomy (pp. 129–146). Springer, Cham.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Frericks, S. & Kluge, A. (2021). Simulating Impact of Smart Product-Service Systems. In L.M. Camarinha-Matos, X. Boucher & H. Afsarmanesh (eds.), Smart and sustainable collaborative networks 4.0., 22nd IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2021, Saint-Etienne, France, November 22–24, 2021: proceedings. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 629, 289–297. Springer, Cham.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Friedrich, J. (eds.) (2021). Social Business Transformation. Springer Vieweg Wiesbaden.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Friedrich, J. & Römer, V. (2021). Power to the Network: The Concept of Social Business and Its Relevance for IC. In H. Ulbrich, M. Wedel & H.L. Dienel (eds.), Internal Crowdsourcing in Companies. Contributions to Management Science. Springer, Cham.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Friedrich, J., Wölke, M. & Römer, V. (2021). Social Business in der Praxis. In W. Bauer, S. Mütze-Niewöhner, S. Stowasser, C. Zanker & N. Müller (eds.), Arbeit in der digitalisierten Welt. Springer Vieweg.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C. & Kirschenbaum, A. (2021). Geo-L: Topological Link Discovery for Geospatial Linked Data Made Easy. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10, 712.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Kirschenbaum, A., Palma, R., Brahma, S., Charvát, K. & Reznik, T. (2021). Linked Data and Metadata. In C. Södergård, T. Mildorf, E. Habyarimana, A.J. Berre, J.A. Fernandes & C. Zinke-Wehlmann (eds.), Big Data in Bioeconomy (pp. 79–90). Springer, Cham.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C. & Schließer, J. (2021). Estimate and optimize fuel consumption on vessels to reduce CO 2 impact of fishery. 2021 Reconciling Data Analytics, Automation, Privacy, and Security: A Big Data Challenge (RDAAPS). IEEE, 1–9.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Wölke, M. & Härtwig, J. (2021). Interne Unternehmenskommunikation und Social Business – ein Exkurs. In C. Zinke-Wehlmann & J. Friedrich (eds.), Social Business Transformation (pp. 19–31). Springer Vieweg.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C. & Charvát, K. (2021). Introduction of Smart Agriculture. In Big Data in Bioeconomy (S. 187–190). Springer.


Friedrich, J., Becker, M., Kramer, F., Wirth, M. & Schneider, M. (2020). Incentive design and gamification for knowledge management. Journal of Business Research, 106, 341–352.


Huber, H., Römer, V., Voigt, C. & Zinke-Wehlmann, C. (2020). Weiterentwicklung von Enterprise Social Networks in Großunternehmen – Herausforderungen beim Thema Datenschutz. In M. Daum, M. Wedel, C. Zinke-Wehlmann & H. Ulbrich (eds.), Gestaltung vernetzt-flexibler Arbeit. Springer.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Friedrich, J. & Wölke, M. (2020). Social Business Transformation. In M. Daum, M. Wedel, C. Zinke-Wehlmann & H. Ulbrich (eds.), Gestaltung vernetzt-flexibler Arbeit. Springer.


Bordag, D., Kirschenbaum, A., Rogahn, M., Opitz, A. & Tschirner, E. (2019). Misbehaved masculines: Incidental acquisition of grammatical gender in L2 German during reading. In Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 22(1), 130–141.


Friedrich, J., Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Holze, J. & Hoffmann, F. (2019). Quizzen für den Unternehmenserfolg: Weiterbildung mittels Enterprise Social Networks neu gestalten. HMD, 56(1), 70–82.


Kirschenbaum, A. (2019). Extracting Inflectional Paradigms from Raw Text: German as a Test Case. In G. Naranjo & R. Osswald (eds.), In Computational Linguistics Poster Session at the 41st Annual Meeting of the German Linguistic Society, 2019.


Schiller, C. & Zinke-Wehlmann, C. (eds.) (2019). Social Business. Studie über den Einsatz interner sozialer Netzwerke in Unternehmen. Fraunhofer IRB-Verlag.


Thieme, M., Meyer, L.–P., Meyer, K. & Zinke-Wehlmann, C. (2019). Model Synchronization in Sociotechnical Service Systems. Advances in The Human Side of Service Engineering. Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference, 2019. AHFE International.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C. & Friedrich, J. (2019). Commute Green! The Potential of Enterprise Social Networks for Ecological Mobility Concepts. In L.M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh & D. Antonelli (eds.), Collaborative Networks and Digital Transformation. PRO-VE 2019. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 568. Springer, Cham.


Bordag, D., Rogahn, M., Kirschenbaum, A. & Tschirner, E. (2018). Probabilistic Phonotactics in Vocabulary Acquisition During Reading in a Native Language. In L. Escobar, V. Torrens & T. Parodi (eds.), Language Processing and Disorders (pp. 31–53). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Frommert, C., Häfner, A., Friedrich, J. & Zinke-Wehlmann, C. (2018). Using Chatbots to Assist Communication in Collaborative Networks. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 534, 257–265.


Klingner, S., Friedrich, J., Meyer, K. & Schasse de Araujo, B. (2018). Digitalisierung in der Musikwirtschaft. B & S Siebenhaar Verlag.


Meyer, K. & Zinke-Wehlmann, C. (2018). Service Engineering – eine Standortbestimmung. In K. Meyer, S. Klingner & C. Zinke-Wehlmann (eds.), Service Engineering (pp. 3–17). Springer Vieweg.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Anke, J., Meyer, K. & Schmidt, J. (2018). Modeling, Analysis and Control of Personal Data to Ensure Data Privacy – A Use Case Driven Approach. In D. Nicholson (eds.), Advances in Human Factors in Cybersecurity. AHFE 2017. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 593. Springer, Cham.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Friedrich, J. & Häfner, A. (2018). Motivation for Corporate Training Through Feedback in Social Serious Games. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), Stuttgart, Germany, 2018, pp. 1-9.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Meyer, K., Friedrich, J. & Reif, L. (2018). Digital Social Learning? Collaboration and Learning in Enterprise Social Networks. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 596, 3–11.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C. & Ngomo, A.–C.N. (2018). Discovering and Linking Spatio-Temporal Big Linked Data. IGARSS 2018 – 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Valencia, Spain, 2018, pp. 411-414.


Anke, J., Berning, W., Schmidt, J. & Zinke-Wehlmann, C. (2017). Rahmenwerk für das IT-gestützte Management von Datenschutz in Anwendungssystemen. In M. Knoll & S. Strahringer (eds.), IT-GRC-Management – Governance, Risk und Compliance (pp. 167–184). Edition HMD. Springer Vieweg.


Becker, M., Klingner, S., Friedrich, J., Kramer, F., Schneider, M. & Fähnrich, K.-P. (2017): Mass customized knowledge management: A project for adequate and dynamic knowledge transfer for small and medium enterprises. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 713, 37–43.


Bordag, D., Kirschenbaum, A., Rogahn, M., Opitz, A. & Tschirner, E. (2017). Semantic Representation of Newly Learned L2 Words and their Integration in the L2 Lexicon. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 39(1), 197–212.


Friedrich, J. & Klingner, S. (2017). Status quo and perspectives of licensing synchronisation rights. International Journal of Music Business Research, 6, 69–86. Online verfügbar unter


Klimek, B., Ackermann, M., Kirschenbaum, A. & Hellmann, S. (2017). Investigating the Morphological Complexity of German Named Entities: The Case of the GermEval NER Challenge. International Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology, 130–145. Springer, Cham.


Kramer, F., Wirth, M., Jamous, N., Klingner, S., Becker, M., Friedrich, J. & Schneider, M. (2017, January, 4–7). Computer-Supported Knowledge Management in SME [Paper Presentation]. Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hilton Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, USA


Memon, A.B., Zinke-Wehlmann, C. & Meyer, K. (2017). A Semantics-Based Approach for Business Categorization on Social Networking Sites. In L.M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh & R. Fornasiero (eds.), Collaboration in a Data-Rich World. PRO-VE 2017. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 506. Springer, Cham.


Tolba, R., Meyer, K. & Zinke-Wehlmann, C. (2017). E-Service Culturalization: New Trend in E-Service Design. In L.M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh & R. Fornasiero (eds.), Collaboration in a Data-Rich World. PRO-VE 2017. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 506. Springer, Cham.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C., Becker, M. & Klingner, S. (2017). Designing an Open Architecture for the Creative Industry. In L.M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh & R. Fornasiero (eds.), Collaboration in a Data-Rich World. PRO-VE 2017. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 506. Springer, Cham.


Zinke-Wehlmann, C. & Friedrich, J. (2017). Digital social learning? How to enhance serious gaming for collaborative networks. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 506, 669–677.